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Cochrane Review confirms effectiveness of MMR vaccines

Cochrane Review confirms effectiveness of MMR vaccines

by Wiley New evidence published in the Cochrane Library today finds MMR, MMRV and MMR+V vaccines are effective and that they are not associated with increased risk of autism. Measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (also known as chickenpox) are infectious diseases caused by viruses. They are most common in children and young adults, and can...


Does HPV vaccination prevent the development of cervical cancer?

Electron micrograph of a negatively stained human papilloma virus (HPV) which occurs in human warts.  New evidence published today in the Cochrane Library shows that human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines protect against cervical lesions in young women, particularly in those who are vaccinated between the ages of 15 and 26. It also summarizes findings on harms that...