Tag: <span>cognitive maps</span>

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Study shows that the lateral orbitofrontal cortex ‘writes’ cognitive maps in the brain

Study shows that the lateral orbitofrontal cortex ‘writes’ cognitive maps in the brain

by Ingrid Fadelli, Medical Xpress Credit: Max Pixel, CC0 Public Domain The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is a region in the frontal lobe of the brain known to be involved in decision-making and information processing. The lateral part of this brain region, known as the lOFC, has been identified as a particularly salient region for the...

Reactivation in the hippocampus could support the consolidation of long-term cognitive maps

Reactivation in the hippocampus could support the consolidation of long-term cognitive maps

by Ingrid Fadelli, Medical Xpress (Left) Hippocampal place cells imaged with two-photon imaging are (middle) sequentially active at particular locations as a mouse runs through the environment – each tick on the right graph corresponds to the activity of a particular cell on one of the 7 traversals shown. Cells and raster plots are color-coded...