Tag: <span>conditions</span>

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Sex matters in biomedical research: Many conditions affect men and women differently

Sex matters in biomedical research: Many conditions affect men and women differently

by Monica de Paoli,  The Conversation Until recently, most biomedical studies did not consider sex or gender. Credit: Pexels/Magda Ehlers Biomedical research—a broad term covering studies on subjects ranging from cells to experimental animal models—is the starting point for understanding how diseases develop and how we might prevent or treat them. Once such studies have been...

What to know about dry eye gel drops and what conditions they treat

What to know about dry eye gel drops and what conditions they treat

Dry eyes are a common concern that can be due to many different reasons. They can result from aging, environmental factors, or be a symptom of another condition. Gel drops are thicker versions of artificial tears that can relieve the due to dry eyes. Gel drops are thicker in substance than other types of available...