Tag: <span>COVID-19 severity</span>

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Underactive immune response may explain obesity link to COVID-19 severity

Underactive immune response may explain obesity link to COVID-19 severity

by University of Cambridge A transmission electron micrograph of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles (UK B.1.1.7 variant), isolated from a patient sample and cultivated in cell culture. Credit: NIAID Individuals who are obese may be more susceptible to severe COVID-19 because of a poorer inflammatory immune response, say Cambridge scientists. Scientists at the Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic...


Common medication used to reduce cholesterol levels may reduce COVID-19 severity

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA – SAN DIEGO In a new study from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, researchers have confirmed that patients taking statin medications had a 41 percent lower risk of in-hospital death from COVID-19. The findings were published July 15, 2021, in PLOS ONE and expand upon prior research conducted...

Blood biomarker detects COVID-19 severity and enables early triage

Blood biomarker detects COVID-19 severity and enables early triage

by  Queensland University of Technology Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Dr. Kulasinghe, from QUT Centre for Genomics and Personalised Health and School of Biomedical Sciences, delivered the findings to a special virtual meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) on “COVID-19 and Cancer” earlier this month. He said results of the test could inform doctors those patients...

Statins shown to reduce COVID-19 severity and lower mortality

Statins shown to reduce COVID-19 severity and lower mortality

By Dr. Liji Thomas, MD Feb 11 2021 The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues to spread, driven by the emergence of new and more transmissible variants. The mortality and long-term morbidity are known to be probably fueled by the cytokine storm that is typically observed in...