Tag: <span>COVID INFECTIONS</span>

Immunocompromised patients and COVID infections: Who’s at risk?

Immunocompromised patients and COVID infections: Who’s at risk?

by University of Michigan Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainEarly in the pandemic, clinicians noticed that certain immunocompromised patients were experiencing persistent SARS-CoV-2 infections, some lasting weeks to months at a time. This raised concerns that one of these cases could be the source of an emerging viral variant that has benefited from an extended battle with the...

Repeat COVID infections increase risk of health problems: study

Repeat COVID infections increase risk of health problems: study

by Daniel Lawler  Researchers have urged people to wear masks this holiday season after finding that multiple Covid infection increases the risk of health issues. People who have had COVID more than once are two or three times more likely to have a range of serious health problems than those who have only had it...

Study finds sensory loss in ~100% of active COVID infections, which is twice as high as self-reports

Study finds sensory loss in ~100% of active COVID infections, which is twice as high as self-reports

by Emily Caldwell,  The Ohio State University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The loss of smell and taste with a COVID-19 infection during the delta surge was a prevalent symptom and wasn’t prevented by vaccination, new research suggests. The small Ohio State University study also found that some people with the earliest COVID-19 infections were continuing to...

Breakthrough COVID infections more likely in cancer and Alzheimer’s patients, studies find

Breakthrough COVID infections more likely in cancer and Alzheimer’s patients, studies find

by Case Western Reserve University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Breakthrough COVID-19 cases resulting in infections, hospitalizations and deaths are significantly more likely in cancer and Alzheimer’s patients, according to two new studies from researchers at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. People within these diseases are often more susceptible to infection in general,...

Immune distraction’ from previous colds leads to worse COVID infections

Immune distraction’ from previous colds leads to worse COVID infections

by University of Rochester Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, we were hopeful that pre-existing immunity to the common cold could protect you from COVID, but new evidence suggests that sometimes the opposite can happen. A new University of Rochester Medical Center study shows that prior infection and immunity to...



Researchers also found that non-symptomatic cases substantially contribute to community transmission, making up at least 50% of the driving force of SARS-CoV-2 infection. When the COVID-19 epidemic arrived in the US, the investigators noticed that it was very difficult to estimate what proportion of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 would go on to develop symptoms, partially due...