Tag: <span>Daily Exercise</span>

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20 mins of daily exercise at 70 may best stave off major heart disease in late old age

BMJ Twenty minutes of daily moderate to vigorous exercise in early old age (70-75) may best stave off major heart disease, including heart failure, in late old age (80+), suggests research published online in the journal Heart. The findings reinforce the maxim of ‘better late than never,’ when it comes to exercise, but earlier on in...


How people with Type 2 diabetes can get the benefits of exercise while reducing the risks

Adults with Type 2 diabetes may have more to gain by participating in physical activity and exercise than healthy adults, but they may also have more to lose, according to University of Alberta exercise and diabetes physiology researchers. “Exercise can improve one’s glucose levels, which can help slow the progression of diabetes and reduce the...


Strength exercise as vital as aerobic new research finds

Doing push ups and sit ups may help you live longer. Push ups and sit ups could add years to your life according to a new study of over 80,000 adults led by the University of Sydney. The largest study to compare the mortality outcomes of different types of exercise found people who did strength-based...