Tag: <span>Damaged limbs</span>

Home / Damaged limbs

Blocking nerve signals to the pancreas halts type 1 diabetes onset in mice

New LJI discovery could help explain patterns of cell death in many autoimmune diseases LA JOLLA INSTITUTE FOR IMMUNOLOGY LA JOLLA–Your pancreas is a little sweet potato-shaped organ that sits snug behind your stomach. The pancreas is studded with islets, the cell clusters that house insulin-producing beta cells. In people with type 1 diabetes, the...

Two new studies explore how pollution affects the brain

Two new studies explore how pollution affects the brain

by Leigh Hopper, University of Southern California A pair of recently published USC studies add to our growing understanding of how fine particle pollution—the tiny, inhalable pollutants from cars and power plants—impacts our brains. The first study, published in Environment International, found that these fine particles—known as PM2.5—may alter the size of a child’s developing...

Implant-free optogenetics minimizes brain damage during neuronal stimulation

Implant-free optogenetics minimizes brain damage during neuronal stimulation

A minimally invasive optogenetic technique that does not require brain implants successfully manipulated the activity of neurons in mice and monkeys, researchers report April 29th in the journal Neuron. The researchers first genetically engineered neurons to produce a newly developed, extremely light-sensitive protein called SOUL. They then demonstrated that it is possible to shine light...


VR may improve motor skills in damaged limbs

Summary: New research suggests that a combination of traditional physical therapy and technology may improve the motor skills and mobility of an impaired hand by having its healthy partner hand lead by example through virtual reality training. A new research led by Tel Aviv University suggests that a combination of Traditional physical therapy and technology...