Tag: <span>Dementia Patients</span>

Home / Dementia Patients
Some dementia patients might have reversible symptoms caused by cirrhosis, study says

Some dementia patients might have reversible symptoms caused by cirrhosis, study says

By Isabella Cueto The descent into dementia can feel like traversing a minefield, coming across new symptoms without the hope of a cure. But some dementia patients, even up to 10% of people diagnosed with the condition, might actually have undiagnosed liver disease and accompanying neurological problems, a new study in JAMA Open Network suggests. Most...

Dementia patients struggle to cope with change because of damage to general intelligence brain networks

Dementia patients struggle to cope with change because of damage to general intelligence brain networks

by University of Cambridge Credit: CC0 Public Domain People with dementia struggle to adapt to changes in their environment because of damage to areas of the brain known as “multiple demand networks,” highly-evolved areas of the brain that support general intelligence, say scientists at the University of Cambridge. There are many different types of dementia,...

Skin cells from frontotemporal dementia patients may reveal disease mechanisms and biomarkers for drug research

Skin cells from frontotemporal dementia patients may reveal disease mechanisms and biomarkers for drug research

by  University of Eastern Finland Fibroblasts of C9-HRE carriers show unaltered C9orf72 levels, express RNA foci, but do not display DPR proteins. a TaqMan assay from fibroblast RNA for C9orf72 all variants. b TaqMan assay from fibroblast RNA for isoform A specific transcript levels. For (a) and (b), data are shown as mean of data points...


Higher Dose ‘Z-Drugs’ Tied to Serious Risks in Dementia Patients

Megan Brooks November 25, 2020 Fractures, falls, and stroke are all risks for patients with dementia who take higher dose “Z-drugs,” including zopiclone, zaleplon, and zolpidem for sleep disturbances, results of a large observational study show. The risks with higher doses of Z-drugs were similar or greater in magnitude than those for higher dose benzodiazepines. Dr Chris Fox Z-drugs “should...