by Center for Genomic Regulation Image of a mouse pancreatic islet, regions in the pancreas that contain beta cells which secret insulin. The HASTER regulatory element has been knocked out in this mouse, resulting in changes to beta cell function that cause diabetes. Credit: Miguel A Garriga/CRG Researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)...
Tag: <span>Diabetes</span>
At risk for diabetes? Cut the carbs, says new study
by Tulane University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain While low-carb diets are often recommended for those being treated for diabetes, little evidence exists on whether eating fewer carbs can impact the blood sugar of those with diabetes or prediabetes who aren’t treated by medications. Now, according to new research from Tulane University, a low-carb diet can help those...
South Asian women get diabetes at higher rates. A study aims to fight those stats with exercise
by Lisa Schencker Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Like many moms, Asmita Patel has struggled to find time to exercise in recent years. Between working, taking care of her children, caring for relatives and shuttling her kids to activities, she didn’t work out much. That changed, however, last month when the Niles woman and her 13-year-old...
5 unusual symptoms of diabetes
Diabetes is a condition that can affect the whole body and cause a variety of symptoms. Many common and unusual symptoms occur due to uncontrolled high blood sugars. Recognizing symptoms early on can be key to successfully treating and managing the condition. Diabetes describes a group of health conditions that impairs how the body processes sugar...
Arthritis drug boosts fat-signaling and counters diabetes in obese mice
By Nick Lavars October 17, 2022 An approved arthritis drug has shown promise in tackling diabetes and obesity in early mouse studies Depositphotos Scientists studying the activity of a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis have discovered it has some surprising functions, some of which may be useful when it comes to countering diabetes. The...
Widespread dysregulation of metabolism in type 2 diabetes
by Kerstin Henriksson, Uppsala University Overview of the study and exploration of the proteomics dataset. a) Schematic overview of tissue samples. Doughnut charts show the distribution of CTRL, PD and T2D subjects. The two outer circles show the fraction of subjects belonging to the merged groups of CTRL+PD and PD+T2D. b) Venn diagram that summarizes...
Do attitudes and behaviors in response to stress impact the health of older people with diabetes?
by Wiley Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain New research published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society suggests that psychological resilience—having attitudes and behaviors that help people bounce back after stressful challenges—may help older individuals with type 2 diabetes have fewer hospitalizations, better physical functioning, lower disability, better mental quality of life, and a lower likelihood of...
Diabetes: TXNIP involved in increased secretion of glucagon from pancreatic alpha cells
by Jeff Hansen, University of Alabama at Birmingham Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain In diabetes research over the past two decades, Anath Shalev, M.D., has shown that the protein TXNIP regulates survival and function of beta cells, the pancreatic cells that produce the hormone insulin to lower levels of glucose in the blood. Downregulation or inhibition...
New study explains the link between diabetes and urinary tract infections
by Karolinska Institutet Huge clumps of E. coli (red) infecting diabetic mouse bladder. Credit: Soumitra Mohanty Lower immunity and recurring infections are common in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden now show that the immune systems of people with diabetes have lower levels of the antimicrobial peptide psoriasin, which compromises...
Diabetes: Free Foods
BY AMY CAMPBELL, MS, RD, LDN, CDCES | SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 Eating with diabetes is often thought to be one of the hardest parts about having the condition. Not only do you need to pay attention to carbohydrates, portions, and timing, but it can seem like everything you eat affects your blood sugars. (And eating is just part...