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6 Dietary Supplements That Can Interact with Your Diabetes Medications

6 Dietary Supplements That Can Interact with Your Diabetes Medications

Written by Connie Zheng, PharmD | Reviewed by Stacia Woodcock, PharmD Published on October 13, 2022 Key takeaways: Dietary supplements include products like vitamins, herbal supplements, and botanicals. While evidence is limited, some studies suggest they can interact with diabetes medications. Check with your healthcare provider before you start taking a dietary supplement like niacin,...


Why you should avoid kava and 9 other risky dietary supplements

By Lisa L. Gill February 6, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. EST Consumer Reports has no financial relationship with any advertisers on this site. One-third of Americans say they believe supplements have been tested by the Food and Drug Administration for safety, according to a 2022 nationally representative survey by Consumer Reports of 3,070 adults in the United States....

FDA reaffirms that CBD products can’t be marketed as dietary supplements

FDA reaffirms that CBD products can’t be marketed as dietary supplements

Posted 13 August 2021 | By Jeff Craven  The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has objected to New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) notifications submitted by two developers of full-spectrum hemp extract products, telling the companies an earlier decision by the agency to consider cannabidiol (CBD) as a drug means it won’t consider their applications to sell...


Review shows minimal, high-quality evidence dietary supplements lead to weight loss

THE OBESITY SOCIETY  SILVER SPRING, Md.– Although Americans spend billions on them, published research shows a lack of strong evidence that dietary supplements and alternative therapies help adults lose weight, according to a new study published in Obesity, the flagship journal of The Obesity Society (TOS). There are hundreds of weight-loss supplements like green tea extract, chitosan, guar...


Most comprehensive studies to date find ‘insufficient evidence’ to support herbal and dietary supplements for weight loss

EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF OBESITY The first global review of complementary medicines (herbal and dietary supplements) for weight loss in 16 years–combining 121 randomised placebo-controlled trials including nearly 10,000 adults–suggests that their use cannot be justified based on the current evidence. The findings of two studies, being presented at The European Congress on...


For gut microbes, not all types of fiber are created equal

by Washington University School of Medicine Certain human gut microbes with links to health thrive when fed specific types of ingredients in dietary fibers, according to a new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The work—conducted in mice colonized with human gut bacteria and using new technologies for measuring nutrient processing—is a step toward developing...


Dietary zinc protects against Streptococcus pneumoniae infection

Researchers have uncovered a crucial link between dietary zinc intake and protection against Streptococcus pneumoniae, the primary bacterial cause of pneumonia. Globally, it is estimated that nearly two billion people suffer from zinc deficiency, but why this increases susceptibility to bacterial infection has not been well understood—until now. University of Melbourne Associate Professor Christopher McDevitt,...


Many Popular Dietary Supplements Can Yield Dangerous Liver Results

Athletes often use over-the-counter products to help lose weight or improve their energy and performance levels. However, the vast majority of herbal and dietary supplements (HDS) never undergo formal efficacy or safety tests because their manufacturing, production and content are not closely regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, says Robert Fontana, M.D., University of...


Spike in calls to poison control centers over dietary supplements

Children can suffer serious health problems from accidentally ingesting dietary supplements. New research offers a reminder that dietary supplements don’t come without risks— and the problems they can cause appear to be on the rise. A study published in the Journal of Medical Toxicology finds that U.S. Poison Control Centers receive a call every 24 minutes,...