Tag: <span>DNA molecule</span>

Home / DNA molecule
Newly discovered mechanism halts tumor cell replication

Newly discovered mechanism halts tumor cell replication

August 8, 2024 by University of Bologna Top1ccs induce dynamic changes of hybrid levels at specific genomic sites in HCT116 cells. Credit: Science Advances (2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adm8196A research group at the University of Bologna has identified, for the first time, the specific location and genomic context where DNA breaks occur due to the inhibition of...

Designer DNA molecule helps hunt down cancer stem cells in blood

Designer DNA molecule helps hunt down cancer stem cells in blood

By Michael Irving January 20, 2021 Multiple myeloma attacks the white blood cells, but a new treatment may help ezumeimages/Depositphotos VIEW 2 IMAGES Like weeds that grow back if you don’t remove the roots, cancer can keep returning thanks to lurking stem cells. Now, researchers have developed a “designer” DNA segment that can eradicate these cancer stem...