BackgroundSleep is far more than just a period of rest—it’s a complex, active process during which the brain cycles through distinct stages, each marked by unique patterns of brain activity. While scientists still debate sleep’s true purpose, research has proven it to be essential for survival. Both humans and animals suffer severe consequences without sleep, including cognitive decline, emotional...
Tag: <span>dreams</span>
Why don’t you remember all your dreams?
Whether you recall them or not, you likely dream nightly. By Lauren Leffer Posted Yesterday Science can offer hints for why dreams can be so hard to hold onto. Credit: DepositPhotos Share Some mornings, waking up might feel like interrupting a vivid alternate universe. You open your eyes to reality, but the dream you were having still...
Four breakthroughs that are changing our understanding of dreams
September 2, 2024 by Anthony Bloxham, The Conversation Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainPeople have pondered whether dreams have a purpose throughout human history. Modern scientists are fascinated with this question too. For a long time, the science of dreams has oscillated between fringe research and the mainstream. But creative study designs and new technology are transforming...
How Dreams Reveal Brain Disorders
By Marie-Neige Cordonnier on June 5, 2023 Credit: sdominick/Getty Images For 30 years Isabelle Arnulf, head of the sleep disorders clinic at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, has studied sleep and its associated disorders. During her career, Arnulf, who is also a professor of neurology at Sorbonne University in France, has researched a broad range of sleep conditions: sleepwalking, rapid eye...
Researchers identify potential new treatment for those who act out their dreams while sleeping
by The Mount Sinai Hospital Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Mount Sinai researchers have published what they say is the first study to identify a new form of treatment for rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder. This condition affects more than 3 million Americans, mostly adults over the age of 50, who often unknowingly physically act out their...
Goodnight… everything you would like to know about sleep, dreams, dreaming, and their disorders
Since an average human spends one-third of their life asleep, it is apparent that the quality of sleep has an important impact on the overall life quality. Sleep has restorative power and improves human brain functioning, in particular memory and attention. Sleepy people have problems with concentration and commit more mistakes, which can contribute to...