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Global study finds acid reflux drug safe for long-term use

A popular drug used to treat stomach and esophagus problems, such as acid reflux, has been found to be safe to use, even long term.  A clinical trial involving more than 17,500 people worldwide found that pantoprazole, a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), was safeto use throughout a three-year study. An article about the research was published by the medical...


Study links Celebrex, heart valve calcification after earlier research declared drug safe

A well-known, four-year study found popular arthritis drug Celebrex no more dangerous for the heart than older drugs in its same classification—commonly called NSAIDs. Now, a big-data analysis of patient records at Vanderbilt University has found a link specifically between Celebrex and heart valve calcification. W. David Merryman, professor of biomedical engineering, and Ph.D. student...