Tag: <span>Dry air</span>

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Tend to get sick when the air is dry? New research helps explain why

Tend to get sick when the air is dry? New research helps explain why

by Kelsey Simpkins, University of Colorado at Boulder Particle size distribution of MHV in saliva when aerosolized at 25% RH (blue) and 60% RH (green) as judged by RNA relative abundance in 11 MOUDI stages. Airborne MHV was aged for 20 minutes at constant RH in the chamber, and RNA was assessed with RT-qPCR. Credit: PNAS Nexus (2022)....

COVID-19 spreads easier in dry air

COVID-19 spreads easier in dry air

COVID-19 has been torturing the world for this entire year, but we are still learning about it and the ways it spreads. Researchers at the University of Sydney together with their colleagues in China have now found an association between lower humidity and an increase in community transmission. The fact that COVID-19 spreads easier in...