Tag: <span>early risers</span>

Home / early risers
Are you a morning or an evening person? It might be due to your gut bacteria

Are you a morning or an evening person? It might be due to your gut bacteria

by  University of Haifa (A) Chronotype distribution. Chronotypes were divided into 7 categories as Extremely early (EE): <01:29; Moderately early (ME): 1:30–2:30; Slightly early (SE): 2:30–3:30; Intermediate (IM): 3:30–4:30; Slightly late (SL): 4:30–5:30; Moderately late (ML): 5:30–6:30; and Extremely late (EL): >6:30. In subsequent analysis, the pooled EE, ME and SE populations (shaded in red) were...