Tag: <span>Eating</span>

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Does your family eat out a lot? Watch your blood pressure

(HealthDay)—You know that too much salt contributes to high blood pressure, but you might not realize how easily eating out could put you and your kids at risk. Many entrees at leading restaurants and fast food places contain almost a full day’s allotment of salt, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention....


Struggling to start your summer diet? You may have to re-train your brain, explains psychologist who specializes in over-eating

Laurel Mellin is a health psychologist at University of California, San Francisco She has done research on the glitches in the emotional part of the brain that are connected with over-eating Here she explains findings that suggest we can re-train our brains out of it With springtime comes the desire to shed those few extra pounds,...

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