Tag: <span>elderly issues</span>

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Study probes how to tell elderly patients not to bother with cancer screening

JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICINE Over the past decades, the idea that all adults should get regularly screened for cancer — with mammograms, colonoscopies and prostate specific antigen blood tests — has been conveyed to the public time after time. But current clinical guidelines recommend against screening many older adults, such as those with less than 10 years’ life expectancy. For...


Dying elderly need comforting, not rescuing, according to study

UNSW medical researchers are calling for restraint on the use of aggressive life-saving treatments for frail elderly patients at the end of their lives, saying the focus should instead be placed on making patients‘ last days comfortable and dignified. In a study led by UNSW Adjunct Associate Professor Magnolia Cardona and published in the Joint Commission Journal on Quality...