Tag: <span>Electronic cigarettes</span>

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Electronic cigarettes help smokers with schizophrenia quit

OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS USA A new study in Nicotine & Tobacco Research, published by Oxford University Press, finds that the use of high-strength nicotine e-cigarettes can help adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders quit smoking. Some 60-90% of people with schizophrenia smoke cigarettes, compared to 15-24% of the general population. The researchers from the University of Catania, in collaboration...


New study: Hydroxychloroquine ineffective as a preventive antiviral against COVID-19

CLEVELAND–Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have added to the growing body of understanding about how hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is not a possible defense against COVID-19. Specifically, they found that HCQ is not effective in preventing COVID-19 in patients with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), suggesting a broader interpretation of HCQ as ineffective preventive medicine for...

Experts strongly recommend varenicline over the patch for adult smokers hoping to quit

Experts strongly recommend varenicline over the patch for adult smokers hoping to quit

ATS publishes new practice guideline on tobacco dependence treatment AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY ATS PUBLISHES NEW CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE ON TREATING TOBACCO DEPENDENCE IN ADULTS. view more CREDIT: ATS July 15, 2020 – Smoking cessation initiatives notwithstanding, along with provocative public health campaigns and clinical guidance, quitting tobacco has remained elusive for many smokers. The American...


A new weapon in the fight against sickle cell disease

A technology developed initially at Case Western Reserve University is behind the global launch by a Portland, Oregon, company of a new, faster and low-cost diagnostic test for sickle cell disease (SCD). The announcement by Hemex Health comes just in advance of World Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Day. SCD is the most well-known among a...

Smokers, vapers in special danger from coronavirus

Smokers, vapers in special danger from coronavirus

An early study from China looked at 78 hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Researchers found those with a history of smoking had 14 times the risk of needing a higher level care, requiring a ventilator, and/or dying. COVID-19 death rates in China are higher in men than in women, and higher smoking rates in men in that...


Electronic cigarettes: many questions, limited research

Electronic cigarettes (ECIGs) are booming in popularity—but there’s still only limited evidence on their potential health risks, or their advertised benefits in helping people to quit smoking, according to a research review in the July/August Journal of AddictionMedicine, the official journal of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Based on their review, Alison B. Breland, PhD,...