Tag: <span>Eliminate Cancer</span>

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Discovery of an antibody that stimulates the immune system to eliminate cancer cells

Discovery of an antibody that stimulates the immune system to eliminate cancer cells

by University of Montreal CD47 interacts in cis with SLAMF7 on tumor cells. a, Binding of CD47-Fc (red line) to WT or Sirpa−/− BMDMs assayed by flow cytometry. Filled curves, Ctrl Fc. b, Mass spectrometry analysis of Flag mAb immunoprecipitates from L1210 derivatives expressing a Flag-tagged variant of mCD47 showing various potentially associated proteins. c, Co-IP...

Engineered White Blood Cells Eliminate Cancer

Engineered White Blood Cells Eliminate Cancer

Posted on June 12, 2023 Author Melissa Pappas “Macrophages killing cancer cell” photographed by Susan Arnold. By silencing the molecular pathway that prevents macrophages from attacking our own cells, Penn Engineers have manipulated these white blood cells to eliminate solid tumors. Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. at over 600,000 deaths...