Tag: <span>emotions</span>

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How emotions affect word retrieval in people with aphasia

How emotions affect word retrieval in people with aphasia

by Emily Caldwell, The Ohio State University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainPeople with aphasia have more trouble coming up with words they want to use when they’re prompted by images and words that carry negative emotional meaning, new research suggests. The study involved individuals whose language limitations resulted from damage to the brain caused by a stroke—the...

How emotions influence what adolescents eat

How emotions influence what adolescents eat

by Rasmus Cloes, Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie – BIPS Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A new study by the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology—BIPS has investigated how emotional states influence the eating habits of children and adolescents and which interventions help to change unhealthy eating habits. The research focuses on the role of...

Scientists attempt to ease nightmares by manipulating emotions in dreams

Scientists attempt to ease nightmares by manipulating emotions in dreams

by Cell Press Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Nightmares, those fearful memories that re-emerge in dreams, can sometimes become regular occurrences, visiting people multiple times a week for months on end. In therapy, dreamers may be coached to rehearse positive versions of their most frequent nightmares; however, in a study of such patients publishing October 27...


Experiment shows how different smells can influence the visual perception of emotions

FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO Smells influence our ability to see and interpret the emotions of other people, even when we are unaware of the odor in question. This is the main finding of the master’s research of Matheus Henrique Ferreira, currently a PhD candidate at the University of São Paulo’s Institute of...

How does your brain process emotions? Answer could help address loneliness epidemic

How does your brain process emotions? Answer could help address loneliness epidemic

by  University of California – San Diego Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Research over the last decade has shown that loneliness is an important determinant of health. It is associated with considerable physical and mental health risks and increased mortality. Previous studies have also shown that wisdom could serve as a protective factor against loneliness. This inverse relationship...


The pandemic is giving people vivid, unusual dreams. Here’s why

SCIENCECORONAVIRUS COVERAGE The pandemic is giving people vivid, unusual dreams. Here’s why. Researchers explain why withdrawal from our usual environments—due to social distancing—has left dreamers with a dearth of “inspiration.” Deirdre Barrett, a professor of psychology at Harvard University who studies dreams, made this photo illustration of a recent COVID-19 dream she had. ARTWORK BY...


How to Stop People-Pleasing (and Still Be Nice)

People-pleasing might not sound all that bad. After all, what’s wrong with being nice to people and trying to help them out or make them happy? But people-pleasing generally goes beyond simple kindness. It involves “editing or altering words and behaviors for the sake of another person’s feelings or reactions,” explains Erika Myers, a therapist...


How to talk to your teenagers about drugs

by Emma Maynard, The Conversation The UK has seen a sharp increase in teenage drug use in the last few years: the NHS reports that 37% of 15-year-olds have used drugs, and that deaths resulting from drug use are at their highest since records began in 1993. Meanwhile, thousands of children are being drawn into drug dealing through “county...


Toughen up snowflake! Sports coaches can be emotionally abusive – here’s how to recognise it

Sports coaches have been in the headlines recently for all the wrong reasons. At the end of 2018, the University of Maryland investigated a football coach for intimidation, humiliation and verbal abuse. This followed a player dying of heat stroke after a training session on a 41℃ day. Earlier that year, UK swimmer Karen Leach revealed the long-term impact of...