Tag: <span>Energy Metabolism</span>

Home / Energy Metabolism

Myelin determines energy metabolism in inhibitory brain cells

NETHERLANDS INSTITUTE FOR NEUROSCIENCE – KNAW Researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have discovered that the energy management of inhibitory brain cells is different compared to excitatory cells in our brain. Why is that the case and what is the link with multiple sclerosis? Brain cells are connected to each other by axons, the parts of...


The Age-Related Decline of Energy Metabolism in Myeloid Cells as an Important Cause of Neurodegeneration

Today’s open access editorial discusses one quite specific consequence of the age-related disruption of energy metabolism in cells. Mitochondria, the power plants of the cell, falter with age throughout the body, for complex reasons still under exploration. The proximate causes involve too little production of molecular machinery needed for the correct operation of the electron transport chain, or mitochondrial dynamics,...


Newly discovered compounds shed fresh light on whole grain health benefits

Scientists have discovered new compounds that may explain whole grain health benefits, reports a new study led by the University of Eastern Finland. A high intake of whole grains increased the levels of betaine compounds in the body which, in turn, was associated with improved glucose metabolism, among other things. The findings shed new light...


Is Alzheimer’s disease a disorder of energy metabolism?

A team of investigators from McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School, led by Kai C. Sonntag, MD, PhD, and Bruce M. Cohen, MD, PhD, has found a connection between disrupted energy production and the development of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD). The findings appear in the current issue of Scientific Reports. “These findings have several implications for...