Tag: <span>Engineered Bacteria</span>

Home / Engineered Bacteria
Genetically engineered bacteria can detect cancer cells in a world-first experiment

Genetically engineered bacteria can detect cancer cells in a world-first experiment

by Dan Worthley, The Conversation Credit: Shutterstock As medical technology advances, many diseases could be detected, prevented and cured with cells, rather than pills. This branch of medicine is called cellular or cell therapy. It’s already used in clinical practice in some situations, such as patients receiving fecal microbial transplants (“poo transplants”) when they have a severe gastrointestinal infection,...


Engineered bacteria could help protect “good” gut microbes from antibiotics

Antibiotics are life-saving drugs, but they can also harm the beneficial microbes in the human gut. Following antibiotic treatment, some patients are at risk of developing inflammation or opportunistic infections such as Clostridiodes difficile. Indiscriminate antibiotics on gut microbes can also contribute to the spread of resistance to the drugs. In an effort to reduce...

Engineered Bacteria Use Air Bubbles as Acoustically Detonated Tumor TNT

Engineered Bacteria Use Air Bubbles as Acoustically Detonated Tumor TNT

By Sarah Vitak on November 10, 2021 Ultrafast optical imaging and gas-vesicle-seeded bubble formation and cavitation. The image shows every other maximum and minimum of bubble cavitation, preceded by vesicle collapse. Credit: Avinoam Bar-Zion Ultrasound triggered cells home in on tumors and then self destruct to deliver damage or therapeutics from inside. Full Transcript Sarah Vitak: This is Scientific American’s 60...