Tag: <span>erectile function</span>

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Meat Isn’t Manly When It Comes to Erectile Function

Meat Isn’t Manly When It Comes to Erectile Function

COMMENTARY Rachel S. Rubin, MD DISCLOSURES April 15, 2024 Rachel S. Rubin, MD: Welcome to Sex Matters. I’m Dr Rachel Rubin. I’m a urologist and sexual medicine specialist based in the Washington, DC area, and I interview amazingly cool people doing research in sexual medicine. I heard an incredible lecture while I was at the...

Fibroblasts in the penis are more important for erectile function than previously thought

Fibroblasts in the penis are more important for erectile function than previously thought

by Karolinska Institutet Credit: CC0 Public Domain Regular erections could be important for maintaining erectile function, according to a new study on mice published in Science by researchers at Karolinska Institutet. “We discovered that an increased frequency of erections leads to more fibroblasts that enable erection and vice versa, that a decreased frequency results in fewer...