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Wearing makeup may affect skin during exercise

Wearing makeup may affect skin during exercise

by Wiley Illustration of face depicting makeup zones. T and MT zone were located 2 cm proximal to midline of eyebrows, U and MU zones were located 5 cm medial of the zygomatic process. Credit: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (2024). DOI: 10.1111/jocd.16205New research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology reveals the effects of wearing cosmetic foundation during...

Exercising Your Way Out of Depression

Exercising Your Way Out of Depression

Exercise can be a powerful tool to fight depression and should be routinely prescribed as part of treatment plans, according to University of Queensland research. Exercise – illustrative photo. Image credit: Pixabay (Free Pixabay license) Dr Michael Noetel from UQ’s School of Psychology reviewed more than 200 studies looking at the effect of exercise, psychotherapy...

Persistent shoulder pain: Are exercises always necessary to relieve symptoms?

Persistent shoulder pain: Are exercises always necessary to relieve symptoms?

by Marc-Olivier Dubé, François Desmeules and Jean-Sébastien Roy, The Conversation Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainIt is estimated that close to 70 percent of the population will experience shoulder pain at some point in their lives. In itself, this pain would not pose a problem if it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Unfortunately, it tends to persist...


Exercising With Osteoarthritis: Five Things to Know

Lucy Hicks It’s no secret that regular exercise is important. But for patients with painful joints, it can be the last thing they want to do. Exercise is one of the cornerstones of managing arthritis, yet nearly one third of patients with arthritis are inactive. Guidelines recommend that clinicians encourage their patients to engage in...

Exercise makes long COVID worse, and researchers may now know why

Exercise makes long COVID worse, and researchers may now know why

By Rich Haridy New research reveals impaired oxygen absorption and mitochondrial dysfunction in muscle cells may explain why exercise makes long COVID patients feel worseDepositphotos One of the most consistently reported symptoms of long COVID is the tendency for strenuous exercise to make the condition worse. Not only does long COVID reduce a person’s capacity for...

Exercises to avoid with shoulder bursitis

Exercises to avoid with shoulder bursitis

People may develop shoulder bursitis due to repetitive overhead movements. Although doctors can often effectively treat the condition, some exercises may worsen it. Shoulder bursitis, also known as subacromial bursitis, is when the cushions between a person’s shoulder joint become inflamed and painful. These cushions are called bursae. Bursae are small, fluid-filled sacs located inside...

Exercise at consistent times could realign body clock for better skeletal health and performance, scientists suggest

Exercise at consistent times could realign body clock for better skeletal health and performance, scientists suggest

by Michael Addelman, University of Manchester Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Consistent daily patterns of exercise and rest can synchronize the local body clocks associated with joints and spine with the brain clock, potentially helping individuals to maintain skeletal health, improve athletic performance and avoid injury, research by University of Manchester scientists has argued. Though the study,...


How to Prescribe Exercise in 5 Steps

Lou Schuler Clinicians are well aware of the benefits of physical activity — and the consequences of inactivity. Managing the diseases associated with inactivity — heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension — falls to physicians. So one might assume they routinely prescribe exercise to their patients, just as they would statins, insulin, or beta-blockers. But...


Exercise as Good as Viagra for ED: Study

Courtney Southwick October 23, 2023 Exercising for at least 30 minutes three times a week can be just as effective as Viagra and similar medications at improving erectile function, according to a new analysis of the best research to date on aerobic exercise and erectile function. The study, published this month in The Journal of Sexual Medicine,...