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Can an experimental cell phone app screen coughs for TB? Scientists say ‘yes’

Can an experimental cell phone app screen coughs for TB? Scientists say ‘yes’

by Delthia Ricks , Medical Xpress (A) Study protocol for the audio data collection at Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Nairobi and subsequent cough annotation at the University of Washington, Seattle. (B) The bar graphs represent the total passive and voluntary coughs (including all recording devices) in the Nairobi cough dataset. The lighter shade in...


First 3D-printed functional human brain tissue grows like the real thing

By Paul McClure Researchers have 3D printed brain tissue that grows and functions like regular brain tissueYan et al./UW-Madison Researchers have used a novel technique to 3D print brain tissue whose cells developed into functional neurons that communicated with each other in a matter of weeks. They say the approach could be used to study healthy...

A first-ever experiment shows how pigs might one day help people who have liver failure

A first-ever experiment shows how pigs might one day help people who have liver failure

by The Associated Press Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainSurgeons externally attached a pig liver to a brain-dead human body and watched it successfully filter blood, a step toward eventually trying the technique in patients with liver failure. The University of Pennsylvania announced the novel experiment Thursday, a different spin on animal-to-human organ transplants. In this case,...