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Smartphone Measures Hemoglobin Levels in Photos of Eyelids

Smartphone Measures Hemoglobin Levels in Photos of Eyelids

Anemia is properly diagnosed using a blood test that measures hemoglobin, but simply looking behind a patient’s eyelid can be a pretty good alternative if you know how red the tissue is supposed to be. Now, a team at Purdue University has developed a technology that lets a clinician use smartphone pictures of the inner...


Loss of gland in eyelids may be a biomarker for elevated blood glucose in diabetes

THE ENDOCRINE SOCIETY WASHINGTON–In patients with diabetes, loss of the gland that helps lubricate the eye may be a sign of elevated blood glucose levels, according to research accepted for presentation at ENDO 2020, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting. The study will be published in a special supplemental section of the Journal of the Endocrine...