Tag: <span>factors</span>

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Factors associated with age-related hearing loss differ between males and females, finds study

Factors associated with age-related hearing loss differ between males and females, finds study

by Public Library of Science The study suggests that factors associated with age-related hearing loss differ between males and females. Credit: Mark Paton, Unsplash, CC0 (creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)Certain factors associated with developing age-related hearing loss differ by sex, including weight, smoking behavior, and hormone exposure, according to a study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Dong...

Major Study Identifies 15 Factors Linked to Early Dementia Risk

Major Study Identifies 15 Factors Linked to Early Dementia Risk

ByDAVID NIELDFading brain (Naeblys/iStock/Getty Images Plus)While dementia is much more common in older adults, hundreds of thousands of people are diagnosed with young-onset dementia (YOD) each year – and an extensive new study sheds some considerable new light on why. Most previous research in this area has looked at genetics passed down through generations, but...

Is cold water bad for you? What about drinking from the hose or tap? The facts behind five water myths

Is cold water bad for you? What about drinking from the hose or tap? The facts behind five water myths

by Oliver A.H. Jones, The Conversation Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWe know the importance of staying hydrated, especially in hot weather. But even for something as simple as a drink of water, conflicting advice and urban myths abound. Is cold water really bad for your health? What about hot water from the tap? And what is “raw...


Risk of young-onset dementia could be reduced through targeting health and lifestyle factors – study

Researchers have identified a wide range of risk factors for young-onset dementia. The findings challenge the notion that genetics are the sole cause of the condition, laying the groundwork for new prevention strategies.Peer-Reviewed Publication UNIVERSITY OF EXETER Researchers have identified a wide range of risk factors for young-onset dementia. The findings challenge the notion that...

What causes leg cramps? Risk factors and remedies

What causes leg cramps? Risk factors and remedies

Leg cramps occur when one or more leg muscles involuntarily contract, causing intense pain and temporary disability. Leg cramps are typically harmless. Although they go away on their own, several at-home remedies may help relieve the symptoms. In this article, we explain what leg cramps are and what can cause them. We also cover ways to...