Tag: <span>Fatal Brain Disease</span>

Home / Fatal Brain Disease
Corrupted proteins in focus: How shape gives rise to variations of fatal brain disease

Corrupted proteins in focus: How shape gives rise to variations of fatal brain disease

by Case Western Reserve University Atomic-level views of the recently discovered and different corrupted shapes of two prion strains. Credit: Case Western Reserve University Prion diseases are incurable, deadly neurological disorders that can affect both humans and animals—including Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in people, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (also known as Mad Cow Disease) and Chronic Wasting...


Prion Test For Rare, Fatal Brain Disease Helps Families Cope

Keith Negley for NPR By the time Kay Schwister got her diagnosis last summer, she couldn’t talk anymore. But she could still scowl, and scowl she did. After weeks of decline and no clue what was causing it, doctors had told Schwister — a 53-year-old vocational rehab counselor and mother of two from Chicago —...