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Therapy against spider fear can also reduce fear of heights, shows study

by Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum Once one fear has been conquered, this can also have an effect on other fears. Credit: RUB, KramerIt has long been assumed that it is necessary to use different exposure therapies to treat different fears. A new study from Ruhr University Bochum challenges this view. Exposure therapy for a specific fear can also help...

Virtual reality helping to treat fear of heights

Virtual reality helping to treat fear of heights

by  University of Basel In the virtual reality app, users gradually rise to greater heights and can indicate the degree of their fear at each level. Credit: Bentz et al., npj Digital Medicine 2021 Researchers from the University of Basel have developed a virtual reality app for smartphones to reduce fear of heights. Now, they have...


Effective fear of heights treatment using a smartphone virtual reality app

by  University of Twente A fully self-guided treatment using virtual reality (VR) is effective in reducing fear of heights. A team of researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and the University of Twente, led by Dr. Tara Donker, developed ZeroPhobia, a treatment delivered through a smartphone app and a basic VR viewer. The results of the study were published in JAMA Psychiatry. Two to five percent of the population suffers from fear of heights. Through...


How VR Is Treating People’s Fear Of Heights

According to a new Oxford University study, VR therapy may be just as effective as individualized counseling in helping people overcome their fear of heights. Led by Daniel Freeman, Ph.D., DClinPsy, the study enlisted a total of 100 volunteers with clinically diagnosed acrophobia to undergo VR therapy for their fear. Of the 100 volunteers, 49 were selected to originally receive...