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Warning to those wanting to spice up their lives

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Think twice before adding that extra kick of chili sauce or chopped jalapeno to your meal. New research involving the University of South Australia shows a spicy diet could be linked to dementia. A 15-year study of 4582 Chinese adults aged over 55 found evidence of faster cognitive decline in those who consistently...


Diets of nearly half of South Asian immigrants are unhealthy, study suggests

A significant percentage of new immigrants to Alberta from some South Asian countries are struggling with unhealthy eating habits, according to new research from the University of Alberta. The study, the first of its kind to explore the diet quality of South Asian populations living in Alberta, discovered several food choices fall short of Canada’s Food Guide recommendations, and that it’s a group already at risk of developing heart diseases.“They...


11 Food Safety Mistakes You’re Probably Making

By Christine Byrne Avoid these common slipups to enjoy your food without risk of foodborne illness. Some food safety rules are pretty intuitive: Wash your hands before and after cooking. Store perishables in the fridge. Don’t leave groceries in your car in the hot sun. Then there’s a whole other set of rules, the ones that aren’t so obvious and...


Eating later in the day may be associated with obesity

by  The Endocrine Society Eating later in the day may contribute to weight gain, according to a new study to be presented Saturday at ENDO 2019, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in New Orleans, La. Previous studies have suggested that later timing of eating and sleeping are related to obesity, said lead author Adnin Zaman, M.D., of the University of Colorado in Denver, Colo. “However, few...


Can eating certain foods make you smarter?

by Margaret Morris,  The Conversation Trying to keep up with what constitutes a “healthy” diet can be exhausting. With unending options at the supermarket, and diet advice coming from all directions, filling your shopping trolley with the right things can seem an overwhelming task. For a long time we’ve known diet is key to maintaining physical health. But emerging evidence indicates diet quality...


Does your family eat out a lot? Watch your blood pressure

(HealthDay)—You know that too much salt contributes to high blood pressure, but you might not realize how easily eating out could put you and your kids at risk. Many entrees at leading restaurants and fast food places contain almost a full day’s allotment of salt, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention....


Yo-yo dieting more than DOUBLES your risk of an early death and ‘makes you more likely to have a heart attack or stroke’

Also raises a person’s blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels Analyzed more than six million otherwise healthy people over five years Researchers urge doctors to be aware of how a patient‘s weight fluctuates Yo-yo dieting significantly increases your risk of an early grave, according to the results of the first study of its kind. Researchers...


Beef jerky and other processed meats associated with manic episodes

JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICINE An analysis of more than 1,000 people with and without psychiatric disorders has shown that nitrates–chemicals used to cure meats such as beef jerky, salami, hot dogs and other processed meat snacks–may contribute to mania, an abnormal mood state. Mania is characterized by hyperactivity, euphoria, and insomnia.  The findings of the Johns...


New eating disorder app helps users by letting them track what they eat and how they FEEL about their food

An app, Recovery Record, has helped bring eating disorder treatment mobile It lets you track what you eat and how you feel about your food The creators say it can help eliminate the shame of face-to-face therapy   The National Eating Disorders Association has partnered with the app to create a new platform that helps users received...

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