Tag: <span>Forgetfulness</span>

Home / Forgetfulness

Why forgetting is a normal function of memory—and when to worry

by Alexander Easton, The Conversation Credit: Ivan Samkov from PexelsForgetting in our day to day lives may feel annoying or, as we get older, a little frightening. But it is an entirely normal part of memory—enabling us to move on or make space for new information. In fact, our memories aren’t as reliable as we may...

Forgetfulness, even fatal cases, can happen to anyone, study shows

Forgetfulness, even fatal cases, can happen to anyone, study shows

by Tracy DeStazio, University of Notre Dame Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Since 1998, approximately 496 children have died of pediatric vehicular heatstroke in the United States because their caregiver forgot they were in the car, according to recent data from NoHeatStroke.org. Advocacy groups have been lobbying Congress to enact laws to help protect against this particular...

Forgetfulness may be a sign of brain efficiency

Forgetfulness may be a sign of brain efficiency

by Bond University  Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Have you ever run into a work colleague at the supermarket and failed to recognize them? Blame your brilliant, lazy brain. A new study led by Assistant Professor Oliver Baumann of Bond University sheds fresh light on the way the body’s most complex organ captures memories. Researchers looked...

Forgetfulness may be a sign of brain efficiency

Forgetfulness may be a sign of brain efficiency

by Bond University  Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Have you ever run into a work colleague at the supermarket and failed to recognize them? Blame your brilliant, lazy brain. A new study led by Assistant Professor Oliver Baumann of Bond University sheds fresh light on the way the body’s most complex organ captures memories. Researchers looked...