Tag: <span>Frog slime</span>

Home / Frog slime

Robots built from frog cells have unlocked the ability to self-replicate

BY HANNAH SEO In nature most organisms reproduce by either mating and producing offspring, or creating clones of themselves. But a new mode of propagation is on the scene—new living robots can self-replicate by clustering cells and creating offshoots of themselves. Let’s break down what that actually means. These robots are called xenobots—they’re synthetic lifeforms made from...


Frog slime could help fight future flu outbreaks

Skin excretions from a southern Indian frog could have flu-fighting properties   Frog mucus might seem like the kind of flu remedy a witch doctor would suggest, but in the future, more respected medical professionals could be prescribing it. Researchers at Emory University have found that certain peptides excreted by frogs can fight off human...