Here we list the negative impacts of consuming fructose and how it can lead to other health issues besides weight gain. Manya Singh It’s important to note that fructose found naturally in whole fruits is generally not a concern Fructose is a naturally occurring sugar found in fruits, honey, and some vegetables. It is also...
Tag: <span>Fructose</span>
Major Study Claims to Identify The Root Cause of Obesity: Fructose
20 October 2023 ByMICHELLE STARR bondarillia/iStock/Getty Images Plus)Fructose, a new paper proposes, is the pernicious little demon driving so many human metabolisms towards obesity. Although it’s not the biggest source of caloric intake, it does trigger the urge to eat fattier foods, at higher quantities, resulting in overindulgence in food. A major analysis, led by...
People who consume too much high fructose corn syrup could be at risk for NAFLD
by The Endocrine Society Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain High fructose consumption should be avoided to prevent the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), according to research being presented Sunday, June 12 at ENDO 2022, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Atlanta, Ga. Fructose is a natural sugar present in fruits, fruit juices, certain vegetables...
Fructose in the diet expands the surface of the gut and promotes nutrient absorption
Feeding mice high-fructose corn syrup, a widely used sweetener in human diets, has been found to drive an increase in the surface area of the gut that is associated with enhanced absorption of dietary nutrients and weight gain. The incidence of obesity has been steadily increasing, tripling globally between 1975 and 2016, at a high...