Tag: <span>gene link</span>

Home / gene link
Research discovers gene that links deafness to inner ear cell death

Research discovers gene that links deafness to inner ear cell death

by Levi Gadye, University of California, San Francisco Graphical abstract. Credit: JCI Insight (2023). DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.172665 Researchers have found a gene that links deafness to cell death in the inner ear in humans—creating new opportunities for averting hearing loss.A person’s hearing can be damaged by loud noise, aging and even certain medications, with little recourse beyond...

Gene linked to persistent stuttering into adulthood uncovered

Gene linked to persistent stuttering into adulthood uncovered

by Danielle Galvin, University of Melbourne Credit: CC0 Public Domain A new study led by University of Melbourne researchers has discovered a link between a new gene pathway and structural brain anomalies in some people who stutter into adulthood, opening up promising research avenues to enhance the understanding of persistent developmental stuttering. Published in the journal...