Tag: <span>Genetics</span>

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Researchers uncover genetic cause behind glaucoma

by Queen Mary, University of London Acute angle closure glaucoma of the right eye (intraocular pressure was 42 in the right eye). Credit: James Heilman, MD/Wikipedia New research has identified a genetic mutation linked to a type of glaucoma, known as primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG), which could open up new avenues for the early detection...

New approach to curing HIV

New approach to curing HIV

New treatment method being tested in clinical study. Hamburg-based researchers are seeking to improve future treatment of HIV patients using a new gene and cell method. Under the umbrella of Hamburg biotech startup Provirex, they are developing a new therapeutic approach that uses ‘gene scissors’ to cut out the blueprint of the AIDS pathogen HIV...

Researchers identify unique glucose-sensing neurons that regulate blood sugar

Researchers identify unique glucose-sensing neurons that regulate blood sugar

by Baylor College of Medicine Low blood sugar levels, known as hypoglycemia, can be a life-threatening situation, especially for people with type 1 diabetes who rely on intensive insulin therapy to prevent blood sugar from going too high. Solutions to this problem may come from a better understanding of the basic mechanisms keeping blood sugar...


Researchers are making recombinant-protein drugs cheaper

The mammalian cell lines that are engineered to produce high-value recombinant-protein drugs also produce unwanted proteins that push up the overall cost to manufacture these drugs. These same proteins can also lower drug quality. In a new paper in Nature Communications, researchers from the University of California San Diego and the Technical University of Denmark...

A small piece of genetic material could be key to diagnosing, treating high blood pressure

A small piece of genetic material could be key to diagnosing, treating high blood pressure

by University of Glasgow A small piece of genetic material could hold the key to diagnosing and treating high blood pressure earlier, according to new research by scientists at the University of Glasgow, who found that a small piece of genetic material could explain why arteries become increasingly stiff (which happens in high blood pressure)...


Jumping genes’ help stabilize DNA folding patterns

Long understood as source of novel genetic traits, jumping genes also provide genomic stability WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE “Jumping genes” — bits of DNA that can move from one spot in the genome to another — are well-known for increasing genetic diversity over the long course of evolution. Now, new research at Washington University...