Tag: <span>Genetics</span>

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New DNA coding basis

DNA Gets a New — and Bigger — Genetic Alphabet DNA is spelled out with four letters, or bases. Researchers have now built a system with eight. It may hold clues to the potential for life elsewhere in the universe and could also expand our capacity to store digital data on Earth In 1985, the...


New Tourette disorder genes come to light

In the largest DNA sequencing study of Tourette Disorder (TD) to date, UC San Francisco researchers and their collaborators have unearthed new data suggesting a potential role for disruptions in cell polarity in the development of this condition. Credit: CC0 Public Domain The researchers focused on “de novo” mutations, or rare mutations that arise anew...


Genes drive aging, making normal processes damaging

Ageing in worms mainly results from the direct action of genes and not from random wear and tear or loss of function, and the same is likely to be true in humans, according to research by UCL, Lancaster University and Queen Mary University of London scientists. IMAGE: THE DETERIORATIVE PART OF AGEING, CALLED ‘SENESCENCE’, IS THE...


How diet modifies the correlation between genetics and obesity

A correlation between obesity and genetics has been found to be modified by diet, according to a scientific paper in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A research group led by a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist found that a specific gene—APOA2—can result in a higher body mass index (BMI). The APOA2 gene encodes...


New platform poised to be next generation of genetic medicines

July 16, 2018, City of Hope A City of Hope scientist has discovered a gene-editing technology that could efficiently and accurately correct the genetic defects that underlie certain diseases, positioning the new tool as the basis for the next generation of genetic therapies. City of Hope’s Saswati Chatterjee (left), Ph.D., discovered a gene-editing technology that...


One step closer to finding a cure for brain diseases

July 16, 2018, DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology) A research team led by Professor Jaewon Ko and Ji Won Um from Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences identified a new principle of formation of brain synapses through synaptic binding protein complexes. Fig 1. Molecular model of PTPσ signaling pathways in heterologous synapse...


Gene discovery unlocks mysteries to our immunity

CSIRO AUSTRALIA Australia’s national science agency CSIRO has identified a new gene that plays a critical role in regulating the body’s immune response to infection and disease. The discovery could lead to the development of new treatments for influenza, arthritis and even cancer. The gene, called C6orf106 or “C6”, controls the production of proteins involved...