Tag: <span>Genome</span>

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ADHD study reveals unique genetic differences in African American patients

ADHD study reveals unique genetic differences in African American patients

by  Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Researchers from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have shown there may be key genetic differences in the causes of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) between African Americans and people of European ancestry, which may play an important part in how patients of different ethnic backgrounds respond to treatments for this condition. The findings...

Gene therapy for inherited blindness

Gene therapy for inherited blindness

by Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Retinitis pigmentosa is the most prevalent form of congenital blindness. Using a retinitis pigmentosa mouse model, LMU researchers have now shown that targeted activation of genes of similar function can compensate for the primary defect. As many as 40,000 people in Germany suffer from retinitis pigmentosa. This hereditary disorder...

568 genes identified with the potential to trigger cancer

568 genes identified with the potential to trigger cancer

INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN BIOMEDICINE (IRB BARCELONA) ANALYSIS OF THE GENOMES OF 28,000 TUMORS FROM 66 TYPES OF CANCER. view more CREDIT: IRB BARCELONA Cancer is a group of diseases characterised by uncontrolled cell growth caused by mutations, and other alterations in the genome of cells. A tumour can present from hundreds to thousands of...


Singapore researchers discover genetic link to predict positive response to immunotherapy in patient

Singapore, 12 August 2020 – A Singapore team led by clinician-scientists and researchers from the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) discovered a genetic link to better predict treatment response for relapsed/refractory patients with natural- killer T-cell lymphoma (NKTCL), a highly aggressive form of blood cancer. The team performed whole-genome sequencing, to identify mutation in PD-L1...

ENCODE 3 project details the inner workings of the human and mouse genome

ENCODE 3 project details the inner workings of the human and mouse genome

by NIH/National Human Genome Research Institute The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project is a worldwide effort to understand how the human genome functions. With the completion of its latest phase, the ENCODE Project has added millions of candidate DNA “switches” from the human and mouse genomes that appear to regulate when and where genes...

Covid 19 outstanding questions

Covid 19 outstanding questions

Six months of coronavirus: the mysteries scientists are still racing to solve From immunity to the role of genetics, Nature looks at five pressing questions about COVID-19 that researchers are tackling. In late December 2019, reports emerged of a mysterious pneumonia in Wuhan, China, a city of 11 million people in the southeastern province of...

A different Chia-PET provides insight into prostate cancer

A different Chia-PET provides insight into prostate cancer

by UT Southwestern Medical Center This graphic illustrates three-dimensional genome organization maps obtained form a representative metastatic cancer cell line. Credit: UT Southwestern Medical Center UT Southwestern researchers have identified vast webs of small snippets of the genome that interact with each other and with genes to promote prostate cancer. Their findings, published June 22...

How the immune system generates a vast antibody repertoire to fight infections

How the immune system generates a vast antibody repertoire to fight infections

by Research Institute of Molecular Pathology It has long been known that the acquired immune system can generate a vast antibody (immunoglobulin) repertoire by gene recombination in developing B-cells. However, it was not understood how the different immunoglobulin gene segments can meet each other in the three-dimensional space of a B-cell nucleus to undergo recombination,...

High-salt diet impacts health of gut microbiome

High-salt diet impacts health of gut microbiome

AUGUSTA, Ga. (June 9, 2020) – Particularly in females with untreated hypertension, reducing salt intake to what’s considered a healthier level appears to be good for both their gut microbiome and their blood pressure, scientists report. In the blood of 145 adults with untreated hypertension, the scientists found that, particularly for the females, just six...

Korean Genome Project data released for public use

Korean Genome Project data released for public use

by Bob Yirka , Medical Xpress A team of researchers with members affiliated with a large number of institutions in Korea, two in the U.S. and one in the U.K. has released data from the initial phase of the Korean Genome Project (Korea1K). In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group notes...