Tag: <span>Glucagon</span>

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Switching tracks: Changing the trafficking of the glucagon receptor in the liver regulates its metabolic signaling

Switching tracks: Changing the trafficking of the glucagon receptor in the liver regulates its metabolic signaling

by Helmholtz Zentrum München Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH)  Stained liver cells. Credit: Karsten Motzler A group of researchers from the Helmholtz Munich Institute for Diabetes and Cancer (IDC) have unraveled a new strategy to alter glucagon receptor signaling in the liver by changing its intracellular trafficking. Glucagon is a peptide hormone, that...


The hormone glucagon may be a warning light for diabetes

UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN THE FACULTY OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SCIENCES Up to one in four Danes has an unhealthy accumulation of fat in the liver, also known as fatty liver. Fatty liver is rarely the cause of symptoms in itself, but people with fatty liver have an increased risk of developing diabetes. Exactly how the...

Novel diabetes drug candidate shows promising properties in human islets and mouse models

Novel diabetes drug candidate shows promising properties in human islets and mouse models

The drug candidate is a non-toxic small molecule that given orally effectively rescued mice from models of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM ANATH SHALEV FROM UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM view more CREDIT: UAB BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – The University of Alabama at Birmingham and Southern Research have discovered a...

Type 2 diabetes: Too much glucagon when α-cells become insulin resistant

Type 2 diabetes: Too much glucagon when α-cells become insulin resistant

by Uppsala University Patients with type 2 diabetes secrete not only too little insulin but also too much glucagon, which contributes to poor blood glucose control. A new study from Uppsala University suggests that this is because the glucagon-secreting α-cells have become resistant to insulin. In healthy individuals, insulin signals the body to absorb glucose,...


FDA approves first noninjection glucagon therapy

Baqsimi nasal powder, which was approved for patients with diabetes who are 4 years and older, is available in a single-use dispenser containing a recommended dose of 3 mg. Approval was based on two studies of adult patients and one study in children—all comparing a single dose of Baqsimi to a single dose of glucagon injection. In all three...


New discovery could lead to improved blood sugar level control

by  Uppsala University Many diabetes patients do not only have problems with their insulin, but also with the release of the hormone glucagon. Researchers at Uppsala University have now discovered a regulation mechanism which could provide an opportunity to improve blood glucose control in these patients. The research is published in the journal Diabetologia. The hormone glucagon, which is released from alpha cells in the...