Tag: <span>gonorrhea</span>

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Researchers closer to gonorrhea vaccine after exhaustive analysis of proteins

In a study of proteins historic in its scope, researchers at Oregon State University have pushed closer both to a vaccine for gonorrhea and toward understanding why the bacteria that cause the disease are so good at fending off antimicrobial drugs. Credit: CDC The findings, published in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, are especially important since...


Syphilis rates soar across the US – with cases up by 50 percent in hot spots for the STD

For the fourth year in a row, rates of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia all hit a record high in the US in 2017 California has one of the highest rates of the syphilis Palm Springs, California has a rate over 10-times higher than the national average A health official from the county Palm Springs resides in says that a false sense of security...

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