Tag: <span>GUT health</span>

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Researchers identify protein integral to gut health, may lead to treatments for inflammatory bowel disease

by La Trobe University a, b Deletion of BECLIN1, but not ATG7, by addition of 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-HT) led to significantly smaller intestinal organoids. a, c There was also a significant reduction in the number of “buds” per organoid formed, indicative of reduced stem cell-containing crypt formation. Credit: Communications Biology (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s42003-024-05890-7La Trobe University researchers have...

New evidence suggests link between gut health and Parkinson’s disease

New evidence suggests link between gut health and Parkinson’s disease

by Alexis Porter, Duke University Credit: JCI Insight (2023). DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.172192 While previous studies suggest Parkinson’s disease begins in the gut and spreads to the brain, how the process occurs has been elusive. Now, a pre-clinical study led by Duke Health researchers provides new evidence that bolsters the gut-brain connection. Reporting Dec. 8 in the journal...

Is Long Covid Brain Fog Connected to Gut Health? A New Study Offers a Startling Hypothesis

Is Long Covid Brain Fog Connected to Gut Health? A New Study Offers a Startling Hypothesis

By Caroline Burke Getty Images Buckle up for a surprisingly exciting crash course on serotonin. The results of a new study on long Covid are out, and they’re more than promising — they might even be groundbreaking. Conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, the study suggests there may be a strong connection between serotonin...

Gut Health and Its Impact on the Skin

Gut Health and Its Impact on the Skin

Apr 11, 2023 Renata Block, MMS, PA-C for Dermatology Times The gut-brain-skin axis is more important to overall health than previously understood, and prebiotics and probiotics play a large role in the benefits. Renata Block, MMS, PA-C Literature and marketing about the body’s microbiome and gut health have become popular topics among our health-conscious patients. As...

Probiotic supplements may do the opposite of boosting your gut health

Probiotic supplements may do the opposite of boosting your gut health

Story by Anahad O’Connor • 5h ago Probiotic supplements may do the opposite of boosting your gut health© iStock/iStock Probiotic supplements have grown into a multibillion-dollar industry, spurred by claims that the products will populate your gut with bacteria that can boost your health in numerous ways. But beware of the hype: In healthy people, probiotic supplements offer little...

Drink that kombucha at your own risk: Scientist discusses popular gut health advice

Drink that kombucha at your own risk: Scientist discusses popular gut health advice

by Alena Kuzub, Northeastern University Advanced Drug Delivery Research Lab at Northeastern University works on developing gut models that will allow to visualize and test hypotheses about the upper gastrointestinal tract and its microbiome. Credit: Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University Type “gut health” in your search browser and you will find millions of popular web entries that tell you...

Adding peanuts, spices to diet may improve gut health in 4–6 weeks

Adding peanuts, spices to diet may improve gut health in 4–6 weeks

Adding a variety of spices and nuts to one’s diet may help improve gut health. Xvision/Getty Images Researchers recently investigated the effects of peanuts, herbs, and spices— including cinnamon, ginger, cumin, and turmeric—on the gut microbiome in two separate studies. They found that peanuts, as well as herbs and spices, increased levels of certain gut...

Surface mapping a reliable diagnostic tool for gut health

Surface mapping a reliable diagnostic tool for gut health

by University of Auckland A body surface gastric mapping medical device and method reveals distinct disease subgroups in chronic nausea and vomiting syndromes. Credit: Gharibans et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 14, eabq3544 (2022) Non-invasive sensors laid on the skin’s surface to measure bioelectrical activity could offer a better alternative for patients suffering with poor gut health. Stefan...

A new low-calorie sweetener could also improve gut health, study shows

A new low-calorie sweetener could also improve gut health, study shows

From the wide variety of sodas, candies and baked goods that are sold worldwide, it’s clear that people love their sweet treats. But consuming too much white table sugar or artificial sweetener can lead to health issues.  In the search for a better sweetener, researchers in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry now report a low-calorie...


A new low-calorie sweetener could also improve gut health, study shows

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY From the wide variety of sodas, candies and baked goods that are sold worldwide, it’s clear that people love their sweet treats. But consuming too much white table sugar or artificial sweetener can lead to health issues. In the search for a better sweetener, researchers in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry now...

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