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Jerusalem Post Science Spanish-Israeli team finds mechanism to make blood cancer cells harmless

Jerusalem Post Science Spanish-Israeli team finds mechanism to make blood cancer cells harmless

By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH Published: JUNE 12, 2022 17:53Updated: JUNE 12, 2022 19:35 3D Medical Animation still showing an increase in white blood cells of a person suffering from Leukemia.(photo credit: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/MANU SHARMA/WWW.SCIENTIFICANIMATIONS.COM) Leukemia is a group of blood cancers that usually begin in the bone marrow due to a lack of normal blood cells and create...

Pathogenic bacteria rendered almost harmless

Pathogenic bacteria rendered almost harmless

UNIVERSITÉ DE GENÈVE IMAGE: SURFACE ARCHITECTURE OF A PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA COLONY GROWN FOR THREE DAYS ON SEMI-SOLID MEDIUM (STEREOMICROSCOPE, ARTIFICIAL COLOR). CREDIT: © UNIGE Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogenic bacterium present in many ecological niches, such as plant roots, stagnant water, or even the pipes of our homes. Naturally very versatile, it can cause...


Small uveal melanomas ‘not always harmless’, ground breaking study finds

UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL A new article from Liverpool ocular researchers demonstrates that small uveal (intraocular) melanomas are not always harmless, as the current paradigm suggests.  Instead, a reasonable proportion of them have molecular genetic alterations, which categorises them as highly metastatic tumours. The article recommends that they should not be observed but rather treated immediately,...

The Parkinson’s disease gut has an overabundance of opportunistic pathogens

The Parkinson’s disease gut has an overabundance of opportunistic pathogens

by Jeff Hansen, University of Alabama at Birmingham Parkinson’s disease is a common, progressive and debilitating neurodegenerative disease. It currently cannot be prevented or cured. In 2003, Heiko Braak proposed that non-inherited forms of PD are caused by a pathogen in the gut. He hypothesized that the pathogen could pass through the intestinal mucosal barrier...


What are the best home remedies for fever?

Fever occurs when a person’s body temperature rises above the normal range. Although fevers tend to be harmless, they can cause great discomfort. A very high or persistent fever sometimes requires medical attention, though most fevers only require treatment with home remedies. nfection is the most common cause of fever. In fact, developing a fever...


Pins and needles are usually harmless, but it’s best not to ignore them

Everyone has experienced it: that tingling, prickling feeling you get in your limbs when you’ve been sitting or lying in one position for too long. Medical people call it parathesia, but to the rest of us, it’s “pins and needles”. And here’s how it works. Credit: Studio GL/Shutterstock Our bodies contain miles of nerves and...