Tag: <span>head trauma</span>

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Head trauma doesn’t predict memory problems in NFL retirees, suggests new study

Head trauma doesn’t predict memory problems in NFL retirees, suggests new study

by UT Southwestern Medical Center Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A study of retired professional football players by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center has found that their cognitive abilities did not differ significantly from a control group of similarly aged men who did not play football, nor did those abilities show significant change over one...


New study finds conclusive evidence that head trauma leads to CTE

Kendall Baker Jeff Tracy For the first time, conclusive evidence has been found that repeated head trauma leads to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), an incurable brain disease. Why it matters: A new study, carried out by nine universities and the Concussion Legacy Foundation, determined athletes in contact sports are 68 times more likely to develop CTE than the...

A simple blood sample indicates how serious a head trauma is

A simple blood sample indicates how serious a head trauma is

by Örebro Universitet  The study setting. Black color denotes TBI patients and white color denotes reference patients. The TBI patients were from all three severity groups (mild, moderate, severe) and the reference patients were from three injury types: internal medicine, orthopedic, and neurological (blue box). The main analysis for severity discrimination was on patients for...


Genetic risk factor for CTE detected

TMEM106B is one of the first genes to be implicated in CTE. It may partially explain why some athletes present with severe CTE symptoms while others are less affected despite similar levels of head trauma. The study provides preliminary evidence that this genetic variation might help predict which individuals are at greater risk to develop...