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Researchers Urge Caution With New Mixed Reality Headsets

Researchers Urge Caution With New Mixed Reality Headsets

A new study finds that headsets merging the external world with digital content via passthrough video technology can offer amazing experiences, but visual distortions, feelings of social absence, and motion sickness can undercut the vibe, dissuading prolonged usage.Among the buzziest consumer technologies right now are “mixed reality” or “spatial computing” headsets that convincingly blend views...


The rise of brain-reading technology: what you need to knowAs implanted devices and commercial headsets advance, what will the real-world impacts be?

Liam Drew The rise of brain-reading technology: what you need to knowAs implanted devices and commercial headsets advance, what will the real-world impacts be? A participant in Edward Chang’s study of speech neuroprostheses attempts to silently speak a sentence. Ann, who was left paralysed by a stroke, uses a brain–computer interface to translate brain signals...