Tag: <span>Health insurance</span>

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just how little short-term health plans paid out in medical benefits last year

Modern Healthcare’s Shelby Livingston found a report that uncovered just how little short-term health plans paid out in medical benefits last year, and hoo boy, the numbers are low, Axios’ Bob Herman writes. By the numbers: Fewer than 87,000 people had a short-term healthplan last year, paying only $110 million in cumulative premiums — indicating this market is still extremely...


Why a patient paid a $285 copay for a $40 drug

Two years ago Gretchen Liu, 78, had a transient ischemic attack — which experts sometimes call a “mini-stroke” — while on a trip to China. After she recovered and returned home to San Francisco, her doctor prescribed a generic medication called telmisartan to help manage her blood pressure. Liu and her husband Z. Ming Ma,...


Health Insurers Are Vacuuming Up Details About You — And It Could Raise Your Rates

July 17, 20185:00 AM ET To an outsider, the fancy booths at a June health insurance industry gathering in San Diego, Calif., aren’t very compelling: a handful of companies pitching “lifestyle” data and salespeople touting jargony phrases like “social determinants of health.” But dig deeper and the implications of what they’re selling might give many patients pause:...


Sky-High Deductibles Broke the U.S. Health Insurance System

Employers are questioning a system they say costs patients too much. When Carla Jordan and her husband were hit with a cascade of serious medical issues, she knew that at least her family had health insurance through her job. What she didn’t realize was that even with that coverage, a constant stream of medical bills would soon...

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