Tag: <span>Health risks</span>

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Could a ‘DNA diet’ help to reduce health risks linked to high blood sugar?

Peer-Reviewed Publication IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON The findings come from a small Imperial College London and DnaNudge pilot study involving 148 people with high blood sugar levels who were at risk of going on to develop type 2 diabetes (T2D). It found that following personalised dietary advice informed by genetic information, in combination with face-to-face dietary...

Flame retardant chemicals can cause serious health risks—and they only slow fire by a few seconds, says researcher

Flame retardant chemicals can cause serious health risks—and they only slow fire by a few seconds, says researcher

by Martin Sharkey, The Conversation Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain House fires are many people’s worst nightmare. But chemicals created decades ago to protect people’s homes from out of control flames opened our front doors to a new menace: toxic chemicals. Ones that we are consistently exposed to in our homes, offices and vehicles. Plastics are everywhere...

Long COVID Leads to Greater Health Risks, Research Finds

Long COVID Leads to Greater Health Risks, Research Finds

Editor’s note: Find the latest long COVID news and guidance in Medscape’s Long COVID Resource Center. People who have been infected with the COVID-19 virus have a greater risk of many long-term health conditions, including diabetes, lung problems, fatigue, blood clots and disorders affecting the gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal systems. That is the finding of a...

Using broad race categories in medicine hides true health risks

Using broad race categories in medicine hides true health risks

by Patricia Waldron, Cornell University Credit: CC0 Public Domain Many medical studies record a patient’s race using only the broad categories from the U.S. Census, which may conceal racial health disparities, a new study reports. Researchers evaluated the performance of clinical risk scores for people of different races in an emergency department (ED). A clinical risk score summarizes the...

Menopause and the health risks associated with increased adiposity

Menopause and the health risks associated with increased adiposity

by University of Jyväskylä Correlation matrix of muscle fiber and body adiposity variables at three measurement points (n = 7–10). Correlation strength and direction are illustrated by correlation coefficient and background color. Red indicates a strong positive correlation and white indicates a strong negative correlation. F1, short-term follow-up point; F2, long-term follow-up point; FM, fat...

Study shows potential epigenetic basis for increased health risks in firefighters

Study shows potential epigenetic basis for increased health risks in firefighters

by University of Arizona Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A new study led by researchers at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zukerman College of Public Health identified changes in the cellular mechanisms controlling gene expression, called epigenetics, that may contribute to an increased risk of diseases including cancer in firefighters. Jeff Burgess, MD, MS,...

Study finds daytime meals may reduce health risks linked to night shift work

Study finds daytime meals may reduce health risks linked to night shift work

by  NIH/National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Credit: CC0 Public Domain A small clinical trial supported by the National Institutes of Health has found that eating during the nighttime—like many shift workers do—can increase glucose levels, while eating only during the daytime might prevent the higher glucose levels now linked with a nocturnal work life. The...

Both sucrose and high fructose corn syrup linked to increased health risks

Both sucrose and high fructose corn syrup linked to increased health risks

by Trina Wood,  UC Davis Study design, experimental testing days, and dietary protocol. Asp (Aspartame). SB (sweetened beverage). Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). *<2% added sugar. % = % of energy requirement. Credit: DOI: 10.1210/clinem/dgab508 Consuming sucrose, the more “natural form of sugar,” may be as bad for your health as consuming high fructose corn syrup, according to...

Health risks from tattoo inks not just skin deep

Health risks from tattoo inks not just skin deep

by Jeff Renaud,  University of Western Ontario Some of the investigated tattoo inks. Credit: University of Western Ontario Permanent tattoos are becoming ever-present in Europe and North America. And with all that ink, there is an increasing number of tattoo-related side effects. There are dozens of known allergens in tattoo inks, including metallic substances and organic pigments, that go...

Heavier smoking linked to skyrocketing health risks

Heavier smoking linked to skyrocketing health risks

IMAGE: HEAVIER SMOKING IS LINKED TO 28 SEPARATE HEALTH CONDITIONS. Each cigarette smoked a day by heavier smokers increases the risk of contracting some diseases by more than 30 per cent, according to a new international study published today. The Australian Centre for Precision Health based at the University of South Australia led the study,...