Tag: <span>Healthy food</span>

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How to prevent food poisoning

by Bev Betkowski,  University of Alberta Credit: CC0 Public Domain You’re sick, woozy and deeply regretting that second helping of potato salad from yesterday’s picnic, because you’re now one of the four million Canadians hit with a case of food poisoning every year. Even harder to swallow is the fact that it’s almost completely avoidable.  “Food...


When healthy eating turns into a dangerous obsession

by Cara Roberts Murez, Healthday Reporter  An extreme preoccupation with clean eating is an eating order called orthorexia nervosa. Though less well-known than anorexia nervosa or bulimia—and not as well-documented—a new study review says orthorexia can also have serious emotional and physical consequences. “Orthorexia is really more than just healthy eating,” said review co-author Jennifer Mills, an associate professor of health at...


Breakfast cereals: ‘Almost zero correlation’ between health claims and nutritional content

By Monica Beyer Fact checked by Jasmin Collier Health claims that manufacturers make on food packaging might not match a product’s nutritional benefits, but people still make buying decisions based on these claims, researchers reveal. The nutritional facts and ingredients that appear on a product’s packaging aim to reveal what consumers want to know about a food. A...


Defeat cravings for unhealthful food in 2 minutes

The modern world can seem saturated with unhealthful food options. It can be a challenge to make positive dietary choices. A new study finds an intriguingly simple way to combat cravings for unhealthful foods. Making healthful food choices can be tough. Researchers from the marketing department at the University of South Florida in Tampa are...