Tag: <span>Heart</span>

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How COVID-19 can impact the heart

How COVID-19 can impact the heart

by Biophysical Society Hearts from mice infected with COVID-19 have an increased percentage of fibrosis and dilation of the fibers—a common indicator of early cardiomyopathy in mice. Credit: Andrew Marks. COVID-19 infections can cause potentially life-threatening heart issues. Studies suggest that people with COVID-19 are 55% more likely to suffer a major adverse cardiovascular event,...

Researchers take a closer look at what COVID-19 does to the heart

Researchers take a closer look at what COVID-19 does to the heart

By Thor Christensen, American Heart Association News (Irina Shatilova/iStock via Getty Images) People hospitalized with COVID-19 may have an increased risk for heart damage, but not so much the type of inflammation previous research suggested, according to a new study. Early in the pandemic, several studies suggested many COVID-19 survivors experienced heart damage even if...

How a SARS-CoV-2 virus protein damages the heart

How a SARS-CoV-2 virus protein damages the heart

by University of Maryland School of Medicine When the SARS-CoV-2 protein Nsp6 is made in a fruit fly heart (center), the heart has structural defects compared to a normal heart without the viral protein (left). When fruit fly hearts with the viral Nsp6 protein are given the metabolism changing drug 2DG (right), the hearts begin...

New way to prevent heart complications in children with Kawasaki disease

New way to prevent heart complications in children with Kawasaki disease

by Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Coronary artery sections showing differences between no heart disease (left) and the effect of acute Kawasaki disease (right). Credit: WEHI  Researchers have identified a new way to treat young children with Kawasaki disease (KD) to prevent life-threatening coronary artery damage and heart attacks. The WEHI-led study...

Extreme weather is bad for your heart

Extreme weather is bad for your heart

by CORDIS Credit: thebigland, Shutterstock A study conducted as part of the EXHAUSTION project has found an adverse connection between extreme temperatures and heart health, drawing attention to yet another consequence of climate change. The research has linked cold weather to excess deaths (the difference between expected and observed deaths) from heart disease, and hot...

Only 1 in 5 people in the US has optimal heart health

Only 1 in 5 people in the US has optimal heart health

by  American Heart Association Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain About 80% of people in the U.S. have low to moderate cardiovascular health based on the American Heart Association’s new Life’s Essential 8 checklist according to a new study published today in Circulation journal. Life’s Essential 8, also published today in Circulation, details the Association’s updated guidance to measure cardiovascular health, adding...

American Heart Association adds sleep to cardiovascular health checklist

American Heart Association adds sleep to cardiovascular health checklist

by  American Heart Association Credit: CC0 Public Domain Sleep duration is now considered an essential component for ideal heart and brain health. Life’s Essential 8 cardiovascular health score replaces Life’s Simple 7, according to a new Presidential Advisory, Life’s Essential 8—Updating and Enhancing the American Heart Association’s Construct on Cardiovascular Health, published today in Circulation journal. Other updates...

Cutting-edge 4D flow MRI scans could revolutionize blood flow assessment in the heart

Cutting-edge 4D flow MRI scans could revolutionize blood flow assessment in the heart

by  University of East Anglia Peak velocity measurements with Pulse-wave Transthoracic Echocardiography (Left) and 4D flow CMR using automated peak velocity tracking (Right). Left Image: Doppler echocardiography used to interpret E-wave and A-wave velocities readings. Right Image: Illustration of the semi-automated valve tracking process performed using well-established techniques (top-left). Trans-mitral 3D streamlines are generated by the...

Getting to the heart of heart muscle function

Getting to the heart of heart muscle function

by Nancy Fliesler,  Children’s Hospital Boston The heart muscle is studded with tiny dyads that coordinate our heartbeats. New research uncovers a vital component that arranges dyads and holds them together. Credit: Medical images: William Pu, MD. Illustrations: Patrick Bibbins, Boston Children’s Hospital Every heart muscle cell, or cardiomyocyte, is studded with tiny, intricate structures called...


Keeping Thyroid Hormone Treatment On Target Is Key for the Heart

Nancy A. Melville May 17, 2022 A new study highlights the importance of avoiding both exogenous hyperthyroidism and exogenous hypothyroidism to decrease cardiovascular risk and death among patients receiving thyroid hormone treatment. “Our findings suggest that clinicians should make every effort to maintain euthyroidism in patients on thyroid hormone treatment, regardless of underlying cardiovascular risk,...