Tag: <span>heavy metals exposure</span>

Home / heavy metals exposure

Researchers explore link between metal exposure and Parkinson’s symptoms

A new study from Iowa State University biomedical researchers illuminates the biological processes by which exposure to some metals can contribute to the onset of Parkinson’s-like symptoms. The study, published today in the peer-reviewed journal Science Signaling, focuses on the metal manganese, which has a range of industrial uses as an alloy. Anumantha Kanthasamy, a...


Exposure to arsenic, lead, copper and cadmium linked to increased risk of heart disease

Exposure to arsenic, lead, copper and cadmium is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease, finds a comprehensive analysis of the evidence published by The BMJ today. Human heart. Credit: copyright American Heart Association In recent years, exposure to environmental toxic metals such as arsenic, lead, copper, and mercury have become a...