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5 Foods to Avoid If You Have Hemorrhoids (and 3 to Try Instead)

5 Foods to Avoid If You Have Hemorrhoids (and 3 to Try Instead)

Karla Robinson, MDWritten by Patricia Pinto-Garcia, MD, MPH | Reviewed by Karla Robinson, MD TommL/E+ via Getty Images Key takeaways: If you have hemorrhoids, you know that a hemorrhoid flare can derail your week. As soon as you feel the itching and burning sensation coming on, you likely break out all your hemorrhoid treatment supplies....

Genetic study sheds light on why people get hemorrhoids

Genetic study sheds light on why people get hemorrhoids

by  Monash University Credit: CC0 Public Domain Hemorrhoids, also called piles, affect a large portion of the population, for reasons that have mostly remained unknown. Now an international study which investigated the DNA of nearly 1 million people has identified some likely causes. Found at the very end of the digestive tract, hemorrhoids are blood filled...