Tag: <span>Human Body</span>

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The temperature the human body cannot survive

The temperature the human body cannot survive

by Daniel Lawler One recent case of extreme heat threatening health came at a jamboree in South Korea, where hundreds of scouts fell ill. Scientists have identified the maximum mix of heat and humidity a human body can survive. Even a healthy young person will die after enduring six hours of 35-degree Celsius (95 Fahrenheit)...

Human body is a breeding ground for antimicrobial resistance genes, shows new study

Human body is a breeding ground for antimicrobial resistance genes, shows new study

by Earlham Institute Two distinct clusters apparent in the global landscape of adult gut resistome profiles. a NMDS projection of Bray–Curtis dissimilarities among the log-transformed ARG family profiles (cpg) in adult gut metagenomes (contours estimate sample densities). Samples were colored by cluster assignment (PAM, Bray-Curtis clustering, k=2). b Average silhouette width of PAM Bray-Curtis clusters as...

Human body proven to predict mealtimes

Human body proven to predict mealtimes

UNIVERSITY OF SURREY The human body can predict the timing of regular meals, according to a new study from the University of Surrey. The research team also found that daily blood glucose rhythms may be driven not only by meal timing but by meal size.   In the first study of its kind, researchers from Surrey, led by Professor Jonathan...

The human body has 37 trillion cells. If we can work out what they all do, the results could revolutionize health care

The human body has 37 trillion cells. If we can work out what they all do, the results could revolutionize health care

by Daniel M. Davis,  The Conversation Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg with Moshe Biton (right) and Aviv Regev (left). The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is one of the major funders of the Human Cell Atlas. Credit: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, CC BY-ND The average body contains about 37 trillion cells—and we are in the midst of a revolutionary quest...


Dozens of new natural antibiotics found in the human body

By Michael Irving November 04, 2021 Staphylococcus aureus is one of the bacteria that the new antimicrobial peptides were found to be effective againstiLexx/Depositphotos Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are poised to become a major health threat in the coming decades, but now it turns out that new antibiotics might have been inside us all along. Researchers at...


20 Amazing Things About the Human Body

1. Approximately 50,000 cells in your body will die and be replaced with new cells during the time it takes you to read this sentence. We make a new skeleton every three months and a new layer of skin every month. 2. There’s something unique about all of us, and it’s not just your fingerprint....